Critical Vulnerability on Android OS

Security experts from Palo Alto Networks discovered a vulnerability with Android overlay system which allows an attack by Toast type Overlay. Every android devices less than 8.0 are vulnerable to this attack.

Vulnerability occurs due to lack of permission checks in code validation with Android AOSP (version <= 7.0) and with Android OS version 7.1 it has multiple layers of mitigation, First layer forcibly due to lack maximum timeout and second mitigation, Android 7.1 allows only one Toast window per app to be shown at a time.

Experts say Toast overlay is normally used to show a rapid message over all different applications. For instance, a message showing that an email has been spared as the draft when a client explores away without sending an email.

It normally acquires all configuration options with respect to different windows sorts. Be that as it may, our examination has discovered utilizing the Toast window as an overlay window permits an application to compose over the interface of another App without asking for the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW benefit this ordinarily requires.
Through the overlay attack, an installed malicious app can fool the user into giving the app Device Administrator permissions. With this, it will have the capability to launch deadly attacks, including:

Locking the device screen
Resetting the device PIN
Wiping the device’s data
Preventing the user from uninstalling the App

Google patched and disclosed this vulnerability on September 5th of 2017.

So when you get a security update in your android device update it to remain secured or your android device can be pwned anywhere any time...!!!
